My Lil’ Kicker

This afternoon I officially registered my son for his first soccer “team”. We will be attending the Lil’ Kickers program here in Chicago. We are in the Thumpers division for 2-year olds, and start classes on December 2nd. I discovered that at the first class he would get his first uniform, and I openly chuckled at myself for how excited that made me feel.

From all I’ve read, it sound like a really nice program aimed at teaching children about soccer, yes, but also about listening skills, balance, coordination, and teamwork, the first and last of which Xavier could use a little coaching on. Lil’ Kickers is a franchise organization with 100 locations in 28 states and enrollment of over 237,000 kids! You can read more about Lil’ Kickers here.

If you have or had your own children in Lil’ Kickers, I would very much like to hear about your experience with them. If you haven’t, and you are interested in possibly signing up your own lil’ kicker(s), stay tuned, and I will post regularly about how it goes for us.

Be Well!

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